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Her Campus responds to criticism

(12/07/12 9:36am)

We thank Samantha Lachman for her dedication to reading our publication and by no means seek to impose on her right to her own opinion, though we would like to respond to the Dec. 6 column, “HerCampus is not mine.” Our foremost responsibility is to reiterate our mission, support and protect our writers, and to contribute to the Duke community as a platform for women to express themselves freely and openly.

Date Night

(04/15/10 8:00am)

Tina Fey and Steve Carell, two of mainstream America’s funniest people, team together—this time not at NBC. Despite a plot that’s nowhere near new and contrived action sequences, the duo manage to make Date Night a marginal moviegoing experience.

The Ghost Writer

(03/18/10 8:00am)

Roman Polanski is a name synonymous with controversy. The Ghost Writer, however, transcends his name and reaffirms his status as one of the world’s best directors. Intelligently written and superbly acted, the film manages to deliver all that Polanski’s hiatus promised—as well as a much-needed message for our society.