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Dishin’ Out Durham: Coffee Break

(11/15/12 8:15pm)

Do you ever feel a little antsy—like unless you get off-campus your head will explode? Every now and then, I find myself itching to break out of the “Duke Bubble” and breathe some fresh air. The feeling has been especially strong over the past few days, as Perkins has overflowed with frantic students and Orgo textbooks. When I started feeling as stressed as those Orgo kids, I decided to venture off-campus and get myself a change of scenery.

Dishin’ Out Durham: Nananananananana-Nanataco!

(10/30/12 7:35pm)

When an old friend, a native Durhamite, came home for fall break, she suggested we catch-up over dinner. Given her longstanding familiarity with the Dirty D, it only made sense that she choose the restaurant. She suggested Nanataco, a quaint and casual Mexican restaurant sandwiched between Nana’s restaurant and the Original Q-Shack on University Drive. And so, on a rainy Thursday night, I found myself plugging Nanataco’s address into my GPS system and setting off another nom-venture.

Dishin’ Out Durham: Pizza Pizza Everywhere!

(09/30/12 5:38am)

Having frequented the original Lilly’s Pizza restaurant in Raleigh during my high school days, I just about went crazy with happiness when I found out a second location opened in Durham this past summer. Known for their all-natural, organic ingredients and their “freshly done” approach to their food preparation, Lilly’s Pizza is highly regarded as a staple pizza joint in the Triangle area.

Dishin’ Out Durham: Chowing Down on Chubby’s

(09/20/12 1:31pm)

If you’re like me, then you like Mexican food…a lot. While I’m particularly partial to chicken enchiladas, I’ll gladly eat any Mexican dishes that find their way onto my plate. Having said that, it should come as no surprise when I tell you that I’ve eaten Mexican food twice in the past week. However, I haven’t been eating just any ole Mexican food. No, no. I’ve been eating at Chubby’s Tacos.

Breaking down the boxes

(03/22/12 5:15pm)

I’d like to think that the human race has come a long way since the days of fast judgment and groundless prejudice, but sadly, I’m here to report that we have not. We only fool ourselves into thinking we’ve made leaps and bounds in social mentality. Doing so makes us feel better about ourselves. After all, we are in the 21st century. We’ve built cities, paved roads and eradicated almost all barriers in communication between peoples of the world. We’ve abolished slavery and lived through events that affected the most sensitive facets of society such as suffrage and the civil rights movement. It appalls us to even think that some portion of us might not be as evolved as history demands. None of us want to be “that person”—the one who can’t accept a new social norm and move forward. So, in this age of political correctness, we wear masks and pretend to be as modern as we think we should seem. This facade fails us, however, when it comes to the question of overcoming the gay stereotype.

Beyond the surface of Bollywood

(02/09/12 5:00am)

These days anytime anyone mentions the word “Bollywood” someone inevitably screams out “I love ‘Slumdog Millionaire!’ Jai Ho!” Although this association isn’t entirely off the mark, it’s not entirely true either. “Slumdog Millionaire” certainly embodies certain Bollywood-esque traits, such as the inclusion of a song and dance sequence, yet the film itself cannot be categorized as a Bollywood production.

Procrastination: the everlasting affliction

(01/26/12 11:00am)

When I was 11 years old, my mother made me write “I will not procrastinate,” 100 times on a sheet of notebook paper. She even cut out a newspaper article about the dangers of procrastination and taped it to my desk. She wanted the message to always be in my line of sight. I was in fifth grade for crying out loud. What homework could I possibly have to avoid by procrastinating? Suffice it to say, my parents were sticklers about work ethic. As far back as I can remember, my parents put schoolwork above and beyond everything else. As immigrants to the United States, they had only two options: work and create a life or fail and return to India. Because of this, I don’t think they could even remotely understand the concept of procrastination.

Lost amid the Duke bounty

(01/12/12 11:00am)

They say time flies when you’re having fun, but the speed at which the Fall semester flew by practically pales in comparison with the speed of light. Honestly, I feel like I bid adieu to my parents and began my college career just yesterday. Sometimes I even feel like I’m still in high school. Yet here I am, proudly labeling myself a second-semester freshman. I feel seasoned, but I know I’m not. Sure, I know the difference between Alpine Atrium and Alpine Bagels. I can direct a visitor to the LSRC and explain the acronym should he or she care to know. I’ve even mastered the art of battling my way onto the C-1. Most importantly, however, I’ve conquered, or at least survived, the first semester.