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Dukies must stop 'insipid whimpering'

(03/25/94 5:00am)

Kudos to Michael Cox for articulating the silent majority's slant on the editorial section. The insipid whimpering of a relentless lunatic fringe has turned The Chronicle into a liberal rag. Throughout the year we have endured such whinings as "Coach K doesn't respect me," "Koreans don't eat dogs," "there are no women in student government," "the hardware store stopped to verify my check because I'm not a white male," "oppressed speed bumps make offensive metaphors," "there ain't no intellectualism on this har campus," "fraternities are the root of all evil," "diversity over ability should be paramount in tenure decisions," "Harris Berenson's humor is merely a vain and transparent mask of his vulgar sexism" and blah, blah, blah.