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Column: The silent majority

(04/09/03 4:00am)

Liberalism is disgraced by those who usurp its mantle to propagate anti-American and Israeli hate. Protesters have the duty to state beliefs; that is the patriotic thing to do. But those with signs "We support our troops--when they shoot their officers!" are repulsive. Celebrators on of Asan Akbar, soldier who murdered two of his colleagues, are disgusting. Sedition's pinnacle was scaled by Nicholas deGenova of Columbia University wishing, "Peace anticipates a world where the US has no place... I personally would like to see million Mogadishus" for US forces in Iraq.

Column: Whitewashing truth

(03/19/03 5:00am)

Sugarcoating and whitewashing Islamic fundamentalism has become a pastime for an odd assortment of loony leftists, so-called self-proclaimed "moderate" Muslims, warmed-over ex-Communists and perennial anti-Americans. The Sept. 11 aftermath witnessed these terrorist apologists blaming the CIA or Mossad for the attacks, spreading the idiotarian and bigoted canard about 4,000 Jews missing work that day, and simultaneously saying it was just punishment for the U.S. Those guilty of imbecilic dissonance demonstrate refusal to deal with inconvenient facts and damning reality. Rather than expressing contrition for these lies or mercifully shut up, they switched to blaming the attacks on Israeli-Palestinian conflict, "globalization", or U.S. "imperialism", further proving themselves untethered from fact.

Column: Self-determination?

(02/26/03 5:00am)

History demonstrates that self-determination doesn't require mass murder. Desire to destroy others by one's own destruction is fueled by craven clerics selling murder for sex by peddling depraved fantasies of 72 celestial virgins for "martyrdom." Modern suicide bombing is bereft of honor: even kamikazes attacked targets that could shoot back, unlike today's suicide-bombers who hurl themselves at buses, towers, discos and restaurants.

Column: Defining a religion

(01/15/03 5:00am)

Religions are defined not only by ideals but by realities, not just by their deepest and most beautiful insights, but by their adherents' behavior. So while Christianity's most profound principles are mercy and forgiveness, the reality of Christianity in the Middle Ages and colonial period was inquisitions and empires. When moderate Muslims state terrorist attacks are disconnected from Islam, they ignore the reality that Islamic fundamentalist imperialists act in the name of Islam and Muslims, claiming "true Islam's" mantle from conspicuously absent moderates. This reality must be confronted especially because many Muslims argue against separating church from state. Hence, Islam exists as spiritual ideal and political reality. Until the realization that theocracies cannot be democracies dawns throughout the Islamic world, saying terrorism is disconnected from Islam is a smokescreen employed to abdicate responsibility to face reality.

Column: Opposition to hate should cut both ways

(11/13/02 5:00am)

Jerry Falwell is a bigot and idiot for calling the prophet Mohammed a "terrorist." Such comments should be denounced from every quarter. Ibrahim Hooper, spokesperson for the Council on American-Islamic Relations said, "When it comes to hate, silence equals consent." Hooper's statement is beautiful and absolutely right. Yet CAIR and other Muslim-American organizations are strangely mute when it comes to the diarrhea of hate spewing from mosques and madrassahs all over the Middle East.

Column: So-called liberals need to address the facts about terrorism

(11/06/02 5:00am)

I'm proud to be a liberal. I've been a liberal all my life, espousing civil rights, environmental protection, fiscal prudence, energy independence, gun control, educational uplift, stands against military dictatorships, etc. I believe firmly in individuals thinking of causes greater than their own and translating such impulses into public policies to change society for the better.