Letter to the editor

NPR and others suggest it is a conflict of interest for Trump to make appointments to the NLRB.

The NLRB has been a problem for thousands of employers and employees for years. Presumably Trump will appoint people who will give relief to all and who will not torture the interpretation of the law to achieve union institutional interests and let the agency be used to harass employers. NLRBs institutional biases have been a problem even under Republican appointed boards. The statute was written in contemplation of conditions of the 1930s which no longer exist. It has been extended to enterprises for which it was neither designed nor intended and which have no significant impact on inter-state commerce. Even the best appointments will not cure the problems.

It is past time for extensive statutory amendment or, preferably, a new statute. The constant swinging back and forth on issues leaves all parties confused and unsure what is lawful. The law is overly complex and counter intuitive, causing well meaning employers to get caught up in ruinous litigation. Many cannot afford appeals of decisions they know to be erroneous, in part because of the NLRBs arrogant practice of ignoring court precedent with which it disagrees.

It is absurd to think President Trump would try to or even could single out his businesses for special treatment. His businesses deserve the same relief all employers hope to receive from a union owned NLRB. Even if he didn't like the vote of a NLRB member, NLRB members are protected by a 5-year term and can be removed only by impeachment for misconduct.

This is just another example of the endless, petty, intellectually dishonest sniping NPR has engaged in since Trump was nominated.

Hopefully, Congress will drop the CPB's government subsidy and tax exempt status. Government funding of "news and commentary" is repugnant.

Don Dotson, Chairman of NLRB (1983-1987), Assistant Secretary of Labor (1981-1983), Guest Lecturer at Duke Law School (1989-1990)


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