Everyday I’m Tumbln’


Tumblr seems to be taking over the internet. The micro-blogging website serves as a platform for people to post, repost text and multimedia in ways that promote shared blogger interests. The Chronicle’s Andrew Karim compiled a list of cool (but mostly funny) Tumblr blogs for you to check out/waste time on.

Paula Deen Riding Things

Because we all love our crazy television butter-wielding quasi-grandmother—riding things.


Things Organized Neatly

This’ll surely attend anyone’s need to see things organized neatly. It’ll (transiently) make you think you have your life in order, even if it’s not.


STFU Couples

Do you hate seeing couples being annoyingly coupley on the internet? Me too. Ridicule them here:


Clients from Hell

Conversations from the desk of a customer service representative. Hold please.


Kim Jong-il Looking at Things

North Korea’s fearless leader looks at a lot of things. Look at him looking at things.


I’m Remembering!

Tumblr about just about everything that makes you nostalgic for the past. Lest the reminiscing begin.


That Awkward Moment

Awkwardness is in now.


Dads on Vacation

Because we all have dads who wear Hawaiian shirts while they’re vacationing in Hawaii.



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