When Maryland beats Duke...

This happens.

Shortly after the post-game press conferences, Chronicle sports writers Andy Moore and Archith Ramkumar and I set off for our hotel room. We left Comcast to find a police blockade and thousands of rowdy Maryland students blocking Route 1. Being the intrepid Chronicle photographer that I am, I jumped out of the car and followed the yells to a mob of ecstatic (possibly inebriated) Maryland students.

Well, not quite. Before I could get there I met some of College Park's finest, sporting body armor and carrying shields. Eventually, I made it to the student gathering, just in time to see the advance of the mounted police. When I asked what had happened, one student replied "some idiot threw a beer at a cop and now they're f—ed!"

So, I caught a bit of the breakup of the demonstration on my camera, and we finally made it to our room to finish up our post game coverage. Today I was treated to reading the Washington Post and The Diamondback's coverage of the event. They got some pretty solid quotes.


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