Letter: N.C. Red Cross chapter thanks Duke donors

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, family and friends gather to give thanks for their good fortune over the past year.

The Central North Carolina chapter of the American Red Cross would like to thank its family and friends as well.

Thousands of volunteers and members of our community have given their time, talents and generosity over the past year to those in dire need.

As a result, the Central North Carolina chapter was able to provide disaster relief to victims and help save the lives of many local patients in need of blood products. Last week, students, faculty and staff collected 174 pints of blood at the two-day Bryan Center blood drive.

An additional 34 pints were collected at a combined Duke Law School and Fuqua blood drive. Since each pint can be broken into three different lifesaving blood products, as many as 624 lives may be touched by the Duke community.

With your donations, we taught community members life-saving skills in CPR, first aid and using an external defibrillator. We also taught children how to swim, educated your neighbors about the dangers of HIV/AIDS and connected local military families with loved ones overseas.

None of this would have been possible without the generosity of the Duke Red Cross Club and the many Duke volunteers. It is your continued commitment to providing warmth and support to other members of our community for which we at the Central North Carolina chapter Red Cross are so thankful.

Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving and know that you have truly made a positive difference this year.


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