The Ratings Game

What to do? Well, simple. Just don't watch. But for those that believe in moderation and the occasional guilty pleasure, Recess has formulated a little contest to spice up the season.

We all know that most of these shows will be gone before Halloween--what's harder to tell are the sure-fire winners. So, the game is simple: Pick the three shows that you think will score the highest ratings, or, even scarier, dominate the popculture buzz.

The Rules:

  1. The shows must be new (no second or third helpings of already successful series)

  2. The shows must be on one of the 6 broadcast networks (ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, WB, UPN)

  3. Only one reality show is allowed in the three picks (We've gotta be fair--we know that America is still eating these up in supersize portions.)

  4. Ratings for each show will be tabulated at the end of each week.

Play along if you want. Hell, even email us your picks--there may be a prize in it for you. In any case, the Recess staff has made their selections and Vision will be tracking the progressio. Check out this week's Sandbox for our selections.


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