Guest Commentary

The Duke Chronicle

Environmental jihad

One must think twice, maybe three times, before using religious terminology. Words that are commonly used in the media to describe “religiously motivated” acts of violence are of special concern.

The Duke Chronicle

Please be safe

Little did I know what horrific news would come my way in the next 30 minutes—my youngest child, my son, Matthew, a wonderful 21 year old Duke senior, was dead.

The Duke Chronicle

A word of wisdom

It’s been a whirlwind, huh? The second you arrive on Duke’s campus, your belongings are literally jarred loose from your vehicle by some bewildering students.

The Duke Chronicle

Today We Remember

My grandfather looked fragile, a shell of his former self. We had just finished the part of Passover Seder called “Eating of the Festival Meal.”

The Duke Chronicle


As March quickly approaches, I notice conversations often turning toward Spring Break: Beach season will soon be upon us.

The Duke Chronicle

You are not alone

We don’t like to talk about struggle. It’s easy to say that we should embrace vulnerability; living it proves much harder. Many of us are afraid to speak up when we’re having a hard time.

The Duke Chronicle

Then soar as a phoenix

In response to the Feb. 19 column, “I rise in flame,” let me first say: I am sorry, Patrick. I was saddened and disheartened to hear of your experience as a gay man at Duke.