Guest Commentary

The Duke Chronicle

Good ole Duke

This year’s men’s basketball team lost its final two games to teams built on Coach K’s principles: fundamentals, toughness and team defense.

The Duke Chronicle

Playing Todd

Congratulations to the Blue Devils for beating North Carolina. Although we had more points on the scoreboard by the final buzzer, we lost what really matters: sportsmanship.

The Duke Chronicle

John Kerry’s “chicken” game

A year ago, John Kerry was sworn in as U.S. Secretary of State. Kerry decided to focus much of his efforts on reviving the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations, which were in a stalemate at the...

The Duke Chronicle

Indulge in the present

As I walked along the Bryan Center Plaza on Thanksgiving morning, I took a second to stop and admire the petite, white Christmas tree situated cozily next to the metal dining tables.