Editorial Board

The Duke Chronicle

A school of dunks and drunks

Earlier last month, the Chronicle reported on the high instance of on-campus drinking at Duke. Perhaps it is unsurprising that Duke students have reported such high rates of alcohol and drug use when compared to the national average.

The Duke Chronicle

A memorable 92nd

This editorial, written by the co-chairs, is dedicated to Leonard Giarrano IV (Class of 2017), former chair of the editorial board and the guiding voice for much of our meetings. 

The Duke Chronicle

Moving Duke forward

In his last days in office, President Brodhead has elected to bequeath all funds raised in the Duke Forward capital campaign to The Chronicle’s Editorial Board.

The Duke Chronicle

Fighting for faculty

The end of second semester is always a busy time of year. Between studying for exams, finishing up final projects and getting ready for LDOC, everyone on campus is bustling about in preparation for the summer.

The Duke Chronicle

Respect thy neighbor as thyself

The past week has been a particularly visible one for religious life at Duke. Between the pastel colored church attire out in full force for Easter Sunday Mass and the more vibrant colors that caked clothes and smiling faces on the Clock Tower Quad for the celebration of Holi, it was nearly impossible to go without noticing some form of religious observance on campus.

The Duke Chronicle

Take care of the 56 percent

Following a protest last Thursday on Abele quad and a petition circulated by the Duke Graduate Student Union, both of which were incited by Duke’s revocation of complimentary gym access privileges for fourth and fifth-year graduate students, the Duke University administration has recently acquiesced to some of the demands made by graduate students.


United against United

Following a violent incident involving an airline passenger being forced off a plane earlier this week, United Airlines is in the midst of a media scandal that has since cost the company nearly a billion dollars in the market value.

The Duke Chronicle

ACEing registration

At around the time this editorial is published, 50 percent of the first-year class will wake up, frantically click mice for a few seconds, either smile or sigh and then roll back into bed.

The Duke Chronicle

Faces of change

This past weekend, hundreds of Duke alumni ranging from the Class of 2012 all the way back to the Class of 1967 converged on campus for their respective class reunions.

The Duke Chronicle

Brodhead and beyond

On Sunday, the Editorial Board interviewed President Brodhead; for the past two days, we have reflected on his history at Duke, mulling over the roses and thorns of his legacy.

The Duke Chronicle

Brodhead in reflection

On Sunday, the Editorial Board held an hour-long interview with President Richard Brodhead. Over the next three days, we will use his responses as a lens to examine three topics: Brodhead’s tenure and legacy at Duke, problems at Duke under Brodhead and the future of Duke after Brodhead’s retirement.