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Pro-Palestinian graduates stage walk-out during Commencement, host alternative ceremony and advocate for divestment from Israel

(05/12/24 10:57pm)

Early Sunday, graduating students filed into Wallace Wade as scheduled for Duke’s Class of 2024 Commencement Ceremony. Attendees cheered on the graduates, many of whom did not have a traditional high school graduation due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Duke women's lacrosse's season comes to an end with loss to Loyola Maryland in NCAA tournament

(05/11/24 4:11pm)

Coming into Friday afternoon’s matchup against Loyola Maryland, Duke needed to prove it deserved to be included in the NCAA tournament. And through three quarters of play, the team put on a selection-worthy performance. Yet the final 15 minutes — full of missed opportunities and slip-ups — dashed the Blue Devils’ chances of a redemptive postseason run.

Academic Council approves candidates for earned degrees, revision to School of Medicine faculty titles

(05/10/24 3:04am)

Academic Council voted to approve the nomination of candidates for earned degrees and a proposal from the School of Medicine to revise non-regular rank faculty titles during its final meeting of the 2023-2024 academic year.

‘Universally loved’: Joseph Izatt remembered for pioneering biomedical research, inspirational legacy

(05/09/24 3:17am)

Joseph Izatt, chair of the department of biomedical engineering and Michael J. Fitzpatrick professor of engineering, is remembered as an exceptional pioneer in biomedical optical coherence tomography and an inspiring mentor.