Duke Muslim Students Association endorses Oathout for DSG president, Doytchinov for EVP

The Muslim Students Association is pleased to endorse Patrick Oathout for DSG president and Nikolai Doytchinov for DSG executive vice president. We are confident that the unique demands of these positions will be best handled by Patrick and Nikolai. That said, the Duke MSA greatly appreciates that all of the candidates invested time into understanding the issues facing Muslim students, as well as the broader Duke student body. In particular, the candidates recognized growing needs for space allocation, advocacy for cultural groups and Halaal dining options desired by many Muslim students and faculty.

Patrick presented a compelling history of broad experiences and a comprehensive appreciation for the diversity of student voices. His record of standing up for the recognition of student groups, even when such positions have been uncommon or unpopular, further convinces us of his dedication to all students. Patrick’s approaches to creating convenient means for student input, as well as his commitment to transparency in DSG processes, assure us that he will best serve students interests as an open and engaging president.

For the EVP position, Nikolai demonstrated exceptional personal characteristics and a strong track record that combine to make him the best candidate. His strategic approach to becoming an effective leader in DSG, long term vision and recognition of the many potential challenges to policy changes reflect his extensive preparation for the rigors of such a leadership position. The Duke MSA endorses Nikolai with the confidence that both in principle, and in practice, he will be able to effectively engage the issues that concern students across campus.

Nabeel Hyder, Trinity ’13

President, Muslim Students Association


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