Brian Hopkins


The Duke Chronicle

The future of U.S.-China relations

The relationship between the United States and China has always been tenuous at best. Like members of a class project group forced to interact with one another against their will, China and the United States find themselves forced to cooperate.

The Duke Chronicle

Patience is a virtue

Spring is in the air! Clouds of pollen roll across campus, inchworms descend from oak trees, and senior columnists publish their lofty epistles reflecting on their four years at the place they are about to leave.

The Duke Chronicle

Examining the Obama doctrine

­Last week I watched a video of President Obama sitting behind home plate at the Estadio Latinoamerico (Havana’s baseball stadium). As he sat in an open collar shirt wearing sunglasses, ESPN reporters questioned him about the most recent terrorist attack in Brussels.

The Duke Chronicle

Political observation 101

Watching the Iowa caucus results Monday night, I found myself overcome with excitement when CNN made its first “CNN Projection.” Regardless of the result, or even which party they were referencing, the graphic and their little tune brought back countless memories of election nights past.

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