2019 Chron15 Leader: Anthony Monroe

Visibility for the LGBTQIA+ community can often be difficult to achieve, and even dangerous given not only the personal and political climate, but the lack of protections in the hiring and firing practices in North Carolina. Typical diversity and inclusion efforts lag behind in support and visibility for the LGBTQIA+ community, especially in STEM fields. 

Anthony Monroe is a visionary and is advocating for the careful consideration and use of appropriate gender pronouns as a tool to improve the sense of belonging of LGBTQIA+ in the Duke community. His work and passion in raising awareness of LGBTQIA+ in STEM fields will serve as a springboard for an entire community to recognize their potential and achieve game-changing scientific advances. Anthony is a rare dual biomedical Ph.D./MBA student, the executive secretary of the Graduate and Professional Student Council, a leader in o-STEM–a group for LGBT+ graduate students–and founder of a national symposium to discuss LGBTQIA+ rights and treatment within the biotech and pharmaceutical sectors. Anthony has joined forces with existing student groups–including oSTEM and CSGD–to come up with actionable items for improving the sense of belonging and inclusion for the LGBTQIA+ community on campus.

Georgia Tomaras is a professor in surgery in the School of Medicine.

Editor's note: This profile is part of our annual initiative called The Chron15. We are highlighting 15 people and groups who are defining what it means to be at Duke this year. Read about the project and more of our selections.


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