Letter to the editor

Surely the time has come to change the name of the university back to Trinity and remove all the statues of the Dukes. They not only were racists, but killed countless numbers with their tobacco.

The previous president refused, despite recommendations, to go beyond slavery so he would not have to discuss the Jim Crow period at Duke—the black maids at the back of the bus between East and West campuses, the admission of blacks nine years after UNC (and then to get moon shot contracts), the segregated bathrooms for the maids, reparations for the maids and other employees still alive. Which are the segregated bathrooms? The single sex politically correct small ones today?

I came to Duke under a truly great president, Terry Sanford. Let us hope that President Price, after [doing] what is necessary to remain peace now, returns to the greatness of Sanford. The first step might be to return the small Christmas tree near the chapel. Since we honor all religions today, it would be good to recognize the minority Christian one too—or is it the Viking version of it?

Jerry Hough is a research professor in the Department of Political Science.


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