Selective Living Group rush sees rise in applicants

Although some Selective Living Groups this year saw an increase in applicants and others experienced a decrease, the number of bids extended by each group stayed relatively the same, SLG members said.

Brownstone House had 243 people officially apply to their rush and extended bids to 22 individuals who all accepted, said junior Austin Tate, president of Brownstone. This is a decrease in bids from last year when the group offered 27 bids. Tate added that his group agreed their rush events and deliberations went more smoothly this year than last year.

“This year's rush was more competitive than normal," he said. "We had fewer spots to offer and a group of rushees that were super cool people."

The Language Dorm, or LangDorm, received 26 applications this year and gave out bids for 13 in-section members and 4 out-of-section members. LangDorm president Magdalena Dakeva, a junior, said that every bid LangDorm extended has already been accepted either verbally or by message.

Although LangDorm had less applicants this year than last—when they received 38 and accepted 15—Dakeva noted that their students who went through their rush process were still just as strong. This led them to give bids for out-of-section members, which is something they do not traditionally do.

LangDorm has historically had has less applicants than other SLGs because it is smaller and theme-focused, Dekeva explained.

“We believe our applicants choose LangDorm precisely because they like the atmosphere and the people and want to be part of this particular SLG... which is also reflected in the fact that everyone accepted their bids,” she said.

The newest SLG on campus and Duke's first all-female SLG is Illyria. Senior Lindsey Snyder, president of Illyria, noted that she was both surprised and flattered by the number of incredible women interested in Illyria.

Snyder explained that because it was Illyria’s first year and their number of returning members was relatively small, a significant number of bids were offered to sophomores along with first-years. Illyria had 179 women register for rush at their open house and extended bids to 52 of them, she said. She noted that the rush process was difficult but extremely enjoyable and worthwhile.

“It's awesome to watch inspiring, driven women at Duke make friendships during the rush process, even if they don't all end up in Illyria," Snyder said. "We extended bids to some of Duke's most incredible women, coming from so many different backgrounds with so many different ideas."

Cooper House declined to provide their rush numbers this year but did say that their numbers were consistent with prior years. Last year, Cooper had 459 students register for their rush process and extended bids to 30 first-years and sophomores.

“Cooper’s open house was overwhelming," said first-year Christina Li, one of Cooper’s newest members. "But I really got to know the house members more during the second and third rounds. Their rush process was extremely selective in the end, so I am excited to see SLG rush next year from the other side."

Round Table president Sarah Jackson, a junior, said that her group extended 16 bids for spaces in-section this year as well as 5 out-of-section bids. Last year, Round Table offered 16 bids.

Alpha Phi Omega, a national co-ed community service fraternity, gained 45 new members. Senior Jess Kuesel, rush chair of Alpha Phi Omega, said this number might change in the coming months due to their pledging process, which begins next week and ends in April. Each new member must fulfill service, social and leadership requirements in order to become a full member, Kuesel said.

Junior and Fusion president Jenny Bai noted that her group sent out 13 bids, all of which were accepted. She noted that this was Fusion’s most competitive year to date and commended the house’s rush chairs for their work.

Maxwell House, Ubuntu and Nexus all declined to publish any statistics about their rush process.

Mirecourt, The Cube, Arts Theme House, Wayne Manor, Black Cultural Living and Mundi could not be reached for comment in time for publication.

Correction: Jess Kuesel is the rush chair of Alpha Phi Omega, not the president. The Chronicle regrets the error. 


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