Honor Council endorses Adair for DSG president

The Duke University Honor Council confidently endorses Annie Adair for President of the Duke University Student Government (DSG). As chief of staff she has demonstrated her unique capacity to manage the student government with critically effective judgment. We are most impressed by her passion to make DSG more representative of the student body, working to increase the number of avenues for all students to proactively impact administrators’ decision-making. Additionally, we are inspired by her dedication to strengthening the inclusivity of the Duke community, represented by her diversity of experiences: serving on the Intrafraternity Sexual Assault Prevention Task Force; collaborating in the development of the football game day DevilsGate Program; and her innovative community oriented ideas for appropriating the Student Organization Funding Committee’s (SOFC) budget surplus. Adair’s presidency will progress the struggle to make Duke the inclusive inspiring community it ought to be for all, and set strong precedent for DSG to become a stronger, representative advocate of the student body.

Laura Holton, Trinity '16

C. Bradford Ellison, Trinity '16

Duke Honor Council


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