Diya Young Trustee Endorsement

Dear Duke Community,

Duke Diya is Duke’s largest South Asian cultural organization committed to providing forums and opportunities for students to interact with the traditions, politics and values of South Asia within the Duke and local communities. This past Sunday, Diya’s executive board composed of thirteen Duke undergraduates had the opportunity to listen to each of the passionate young trustee candidates and ask them questions about how they hope to succeed on the Board and represent the values that Diya specifically in founded on. After a careful deliberation of each candidate and what each stood for, Diya has chosen to endorse Anna Knight for Young Trustee. We as a board are excited to endorse a candidate who is distinctively different than the others running and is also dedicated to advocating for increased diversity initiatives, a greater understanding of minority issues and more. Each candidate was unique in his or her own way, but we believe that Anna will represent the visions of Diya on the Board most effectively.


Anshu Vipparla


President of External Affairs, Duke Diya


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