Baldwin Scholars endorse Bhutani for Young Trustee

The Baldwin Scholars are proud to announce our endorsement of senior Gurdane Bhutani for Young Trustee.

Gurdane Bhutani has extensive leadership experience, including serving as both executive vice president and vice president of student affairs within DSG. Bhutani speaks to the importance of diversity and gender equality on campus. His active leadership has allowed him to successfully lobby for many causes important to Duke students, notably including free STI testing on the Duke student insurance plan. Gurdane also maintains a commitment to promoting Duke’s innovation, commenting on the importance of Duke becoming a leader in academic advancement through programs like Coursera and the flip classroom. Bhutani’s commitment to the arts, exemplified by his involvement with programs like STEAM, also appealed to the Baldwin Scholars. These innovative programs ensure that Duke is a top choice for the brightest candidates. His values promote a Duke that will allow us to take the lead in academic innovation among the nation’s top universities.

The candidates all possess qualities that would make them exceptional Young Trustees. Bhutani, however, seemed most aware of the issues that face students of all genders, sexual orientations, races and socioeconomic statuses. Although each candidate offers an interesting prospective, we are confident in Bhutani’s abilities to speak on behalf of the Duke student body and advocate for meaningful change in an analytical and informed manner. His commitment to Duke is obvious in the competency he has already shown in his roles as a student leader.

The Baldwin Scholars enthusiastically support Gurdane Bhutani as Young Trustee for 2013. We encourage all members of the Duke community to support him in the election.

Nourhan Elsayed, Trinity ’16

Secretary, Baldwin Scholars


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