The City - "I'm Sorry Whit"

Tamarama is on tour! Courtesy

Wow. Just when you think Whitney will finally get it together, stand up for herself, break up with Jay, and begin her single life in New York... she lets Jay break up with her. Unbelievable.

We find out at the beginning of the episode that Jay's career mediocre band is leading him out of New York in five days for at least two months. He has known about this since before the Miami trip and is finally telling... Adam. Jay gets advice in the form of, "Girls are throwing panties onstage for you, man. How are you going to survive a tour?" In other words, talk to your girlfriend. The one you're living with. The one who thinks you're cheating on her. Okay, I see how that's tough.

Whitney and Olivia are continuing their spat at work. We're supposed to believe that their jobs are very serious and very difficult. We're also supposed to believe that Whitney is great at her job but Olivia keeps stealing the glory (because she is a huge bitch). The episode has Whitney working hard and Olivia taking pictures with her digital camera, then Whitney coming through very prepared during the presentation and Olivia stuttering. Can't be a serious actress if you can't talk in front of 25 people, Olivia. Just kidding. We know this is an MTV orchestrated task. Or at least I hope it is, because I really hope that Olivia can string together enough words for a 10 minute presentation.

Back to Mr. Tamarama. This is the first time in a long time where Jay is well dressed and clean shaven. He looks like he is going to break up with Whitney. He even took her to a public restaurant so she couldn't freak out. He is drinking to get up the courage! He breaks the news that he is leaving in five days and... she ends up running out of the restaurant and crying. Before that, she tells Jay to find his own place to sleep.

Whitney to Erin sometime later: "I'm, like, drowning in this. I feel like everything is crashing down on me right now and I need to take some control." Dramatic.

Take control? Whitney lets Jay come to her apartment because she think he is coming to make amends. But seriously, Jay had known about this tour for weeks. He's been planning this breakup for a while. He tells her he cares, but says that she is the one who keeps causing trouble between the two of them while he's just trying to mind his own business (sleep around). How is he going to deal with her when he's across the country? (How will he have time to sleep around?) She asks him if she's worth it. He says no. Tears.

Seriously though, Jay is a terrible boyfriend. He cheats. He mooches. He looks like shit all the time. He always blames Whitney. He is in a terrible band that has no future. Whitney can do better.


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