Moustapha on media bias

Imad Moustapha, who spoke at Duke yesterday, at one point denounced American media, accusing prominent publications like The New York Times and the New Yorker of having a pro-Israeli bias and censoring journalists.

Moustapha seems to be speaking of this alleged bias for at least a couple years now. At a talk in December 2007, he said the Washington Post and The New York Times "try to give the appearance of being objective" although they ran a series of articles about Syria's plans to create a nuclear weapons cache with North Korea, which Mustapha denied. (see video below, circa 4:00) A few months afterward, however, the Times and the Post reported that a video of a Syrian facility had convinced the U.S. and Israel that Syria and North Korea were indeed working together to produce dangerous weapons.

In other news, check out Moustapha's personal blog, containing posts about everything from Syrian artwork to Atonement's tragic plot.


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