The Rumor Mill

Syrup Strife Sparta-Athens. Duke-Carolina. Seinfeld-Friends. It's time to add a new rivalry to the list: Pi Beta Phi-Alpha Delta Pi. The two sororities went head-to-head last month over an issue even more important than who has the "best damn pledge class". charity breakfasts. Both organizations inexplicably planned identical, competing events for Sunday, April 1st and then faced off in a high-stakes game of chicken to see who would blink first. In one corner: Pi Phi's appropriately-named "Wake and Bake with Pi Phi", held at Ninth Street steakhouse Metro 8, to benefit a local high school student's college fund. In the other: ADPi's comparably tame, on-campus shindig featured waffles with proceeds to the Ronald McDonald House. The Winner: Neither, as both breakfasts went off as planned. The Loser: Both charities, who had their prospective donors cut in half. Where's the CCI when you actually need it?

SPECIAl DELIVERY Those ubiquitous blue/orange laundry bags marking the richest and laziest among us are about to get some company. DDS has begun offering a bottled water delivery service in the residence halls at the "low" price of $12.99 for 30 half-liter bottles of Nestle water. That's a hefty premium for what should be a dirt cheap brand; you can find it available online for a little over half the DDS price. As we went to press, the price had been slashed to the "sale" price of $9.99, a good indication that students are apprehensive about giving up their Fiji and Smartwater for the municipal plant taste of Nestle. RM assumes that tap water in Nalgenes is totally out of the question at this point.


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