Editorial: Niejelow for facilities

Both candidates in the race for Duke Student Government Vice President for facilities and athletics bring powerful ideas to the table, but only junior Alex Niejelow has the experience and comprehensive vision necessary to serve.

Niejelow obviously knows the terrain of the office and knows how to work with administrators to get things accomplished. His agenda of addressing safety, transportation and construction tackles the three major challenges that will face facilities and athletics next year. Although his agenda does not include anything particularly outrageous or ambitious, it does encompass everything the committee should do.

With regard to construction, Niejelow has a solid grasp of the issues involved in the construction of the student village and the addition to Perkins. Although these are long-term projects, Niejelow takes a broad view looking at Duke many years down the road.

Niejelow has extensive experience as a legislator working for campus safety, has a proven track record of accomplishments and deserves a chance to be on a bigger stage to show what he can truly accomplish. However, Niejelow needs to remain open to the suggestions from others and improve his ability to work with others.

Junior Kevin Ogorzalek, the other candidate in the race, lacks the experience or broad vision necessary to be a vice president. But, Ogorzalek makes an extremely strong case for the importance of keeping environmental issues in mind when talking about campus facilities. He should consider running for the legislature, where he would be a strong voice for environmental issues.

The Chronicle formally endorses Alex Niejelow for the position of DSG vice president for facilities and athletics.


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