Letter: Panhel aims to present proposals on campus safety

For the past year, women on campus have felt their safety increasingly threatened--a concern emphasized by last week's devastating attack of a woman in her locked bathroom. Women were also disappointed at the lack of administrative foresight as evidenced by this incident.

The Duke Panhellenic Association is the largest undergraduate organization on campus, comprised entirely of women. As such, we have worked on several initiatives to increase not only the awareness of resources on campus but also the ability of women to safely travel to off-campus locations.

We are looking to present a series of proposals regarding safety on-campus to the administration in the coming weeks, most likely in the form of a petition. This will effectively address our concerns and list possible solutions to the problems that we hope will be implemented in the future.

We are open to any suggestions from undergraduate students interested in these issues. Anyone should feel comfortable presenting his or her ideas to either myself, Kerianne Ryan (president), or Nicole Manley (adviser). We look forward to hearing your suggestions and hope that you will support our initiatives in the coming weeks!


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