Letter: Dating problems transcend Duke's racial divide

Upon reading Nikyatu Jusu's article about the woes of black female dating, or lack thereof, I became thoroughly disgusted. The commentary places so much emphasis on the racial divide at this University, but simply leaves it as a truth to cope with.

What Jusu neglects to realize is that people associate with whom they are comfortable and with whom they share similar interests. Therefore, the racial divide at Duke could not be about race at all. To say that Duke culture is seen through a white solipsistic perspective may be the truth, but showing the Duke community a view that could easily be confused with the view of all black females on this campus is just ridiculous. As a female coming from a biracial background, this commentary I was insulted from various angles.

Instead of realizing that nearly all women, regardless of racial makeup, are frustrated with the lack of a dating scene at this University, Jusu turns it into a racial issue and, in doing so, represents only herself.


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