DSG Vice President for Student Affairs

Trinity freshman Jordan Bazinsky, who is seeking the position of Duke Student Government vice president for student affairs, said that although DSG should plan for the future of student life at the University, it must also recognize the importance of the present.

"We need to take a role with people's daily lives," he said.

To that end, Bazinsky proposes a series of changes that would improve student life, including the introduction of an on-campus video rental store.

"It won't increase our ranking in U.S. News & World Report, but what it will do is possibly make life on a Tuesday night a little easier," he said.

Bazinsky also proposes equipping the Bryan Center with wireless Internet technology similar to the system used in Krzyzewskiville. If successful, he said that such a venture might be worth expanding to the quads, thus enabling students to "plug-in" while sitting outside.

As vice president for student affairs, he would also provide input for the University's upperclass residential system. "I'm very pro-selective housing, both fraternity and non-fraternity, and I don't think that should be broken up," said Bazinsky, who is a member of the selective living group House CC. Bazinsky added that he would support minority fraternities and sororities in their quest for housing space on West Campus.

Dining is another issue that falls under the jurisdiction of vice president for student affairs; Bazinsky said he would try to revise both the first-year and the upperclass food plans in order to increase both plans' flexibility.

He would hope to create a plan for upperclass students with fewer points than the current Plan A, which forces students to buy 1,090 points. Such a plan would aid those who choose not to eat on campus, Bazinsky said.

Due to the celebrations Saturday evening, Bazinsky said he recognizes the administration's role in assuring students' safety. "[That] doesn't mean students not going out and having a good time," he said. "It means looking out for others' safety."

Bazinsky added, however, that as a freshman he has never attended a celebratory bonfire.

He also stressed that as vice president for student affairs, he would actively encourage participation from his committee members. "I could really promise a lot of support for the people on my committee," he said.

During his tenure as chair of the East Campus Council, Bazinsky has gained experience directing student organizations. Through this role, he said, he has had much interaction with the administration and members of the student body. "I have experience developing a plan and implementing it," he said.

Bazinsky pointed to his personal qualities as evidence of his ability to excel in the position. "My character is such that I can both make myself heard while being flexible to the demands of the administration," he said. "If I believe in something, I'll fight for it-but I recognize compromise."


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