ESG endorses Riyanka Ganguly for DSG President

Duke Engineering Student Government has decided to formally endorse Riyanka Ganguly for DSG President. Not only did Riyanka have a wealth of knowledge about issues facing Pratt, but she also presented comprehensive solutions to these problems. She noted that the two governments should exhibit increased communication and pledged to revitalize a position in DSG for an ESG representative, as was done two years prior.

In addition to the relationship between our organizations, Riyanka emphasized building a greater sense of community between the two undergraduate schools. ESG agrees that a larger social interaction between Pratt and Trinity students, stemming from collaborative programming between organizations, will lead to stronger professional connections past the collegiate level. We believe that Riyanka’s focus on social culture and development will best achieve this goal for Duke.

Regardless of our endorsement, we are confident that all three candidates are incredibly qualified for this position. We were especially impressed with their prior work on DSG and willingness to work alongside ESG as DSG President. We look forward to working with all three of the candidates, and wish them all the best of luck!


ESG Executive Board


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