Searching for your ideal job or internship

Noticed those people walking around campus in business attire with resumes in their hands? It is that time of the year—recruiting season. Finding a job or an internship is a daunting task, but Career Center’s Strategies for Job & Internship Searches workshop can help with navigating the process. Below are some of the important steps that were shared by Teri Mills from the Career Center.

1. Assessment is key

Questions like “tell us about yourself” and “why do you want this job” have become a recurring theme in the application and interview process. Before you can decide what companies or positions are right for you, you need to first understand who you are and be able to articulate that.

Here are some questions that you should ask yourself:

What is my personality like? What do I like and dislike? Where does my energy come from? What are my goals? What environment do I want to be part of? What skills do I have? What have I accomplished with these skills? How can these skills be transferred to the position?

Remember that assessment is crucial to both you understanding what you want to do and how you may be the right candidate for the positions that you are interested in.

2. Refine your search

Now that you have an idea of what types of positions may suit you, you need to actually find these opportunities. Some places where you can search include eRecruiting, career fairs and LinkedIn.

An important part of the process is talking to people. You can be much more successful in your search if you have contacts that work in the companies that you want to work in. This is especially important if you are looking at the “Just in Time” industries, such as advertising or public relations, that do not have a fixed recruiting schedule and only hire when a position opens up.

3. Building connections

Having people advocating for you from the other side can go a long way in your job search. This is why you need to actively reach out to people and build connections with them. Here is an overview of the networking process.

-Go on LinkedIn or Duke’s alumni network to find people that work in companies that you are interested in.

-Send them an email to introduce yourself and ask them if they can talk with you about their jobs and companies.

-When talking with them, make sure that you have already done your research and are asking solid questions. Do not, under any circumstances, ask someone what their company does, because that shows a lack of interest and understanding.

-After the conversation, thank them for their time and ask them whether you can keep in touch with them. Remember that it takes three separate interactions for someone to remember you.

-Manage these relations over time. Update your contacts with any progress you have made on your search process as well as anything else that may interest them such as an article that you read online about their company or industry.

-When the application process arrives, let them know that you are applying. See if they can offer you some help with your resume and interviews. It would be fantastic if they can put in a good word for you.

A few other tips –

-Networking events and info sessions are also great places to meet people.

-You need to develop at least 20 connections in the job search process to ensure that you are exposed to many opportunities and are getting different perspectives.

-Talk to younger alumni because they were in your shoes not long ago and can better advocate on your behalf.

-While it is important to form personal connections with the people that you meet, remember to stay professional throughout your interactions.


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