Battle of the Bands, Duke Coffeehouse, 3/21/2009

Last night 1210 Duke and UNC bands squared off at the Duke Coffeehouse to see who was least square. The show was put on by Duke's Campus Concert Series.

I was actually a judge for the show, so I'm not going to say much here--I guess I already got my say. For the record, though, winners were UNC's Huguenots, a great, poppy, riffy band (and easily the night's nattiest dressers). By winning, they earned a cash prize and a chance to play at LDOC. If you're itching for a sneak preview, check out their show this Friday at the Coffeehouse with Physics of Meaning, another great CH band.

Finalists--two from each school--were the Huguenots and Lafcadio (props for a compelling take on "Black Is the Color of My True Love's Hair") from UNC and the Soulless Dogs and Tauri Wind from Duke. They'll all get the chance to play at future CCS shows.


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